Call for papers (RTSOPS 2024)

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Submission deadline May 29th (Thursday)
Workshop acceptance notification June 10th (Thursday)
ECRTS early registration deadline To be announced
Seminar day July 9th (Tuesday)
  • Single-core, multi-core, and many-core scheduling and resource management
  • New models and analysis techniques for real-time systems
  • Timing analysis for heterogeneous platforms with hardware acceleration 
  • Time-constrained cyber-physical systems
  • Issues in applying real-time models and analysis to industrial applications
  • Interactions between WCET (worst-case execution time) analysis and scheduling
  • Use of Machine Learning and AI in real-time systems and scheduling theory
  • Use of real-time scheduling theory for Machine Learning and AI problems
  • Interdisciplinary problems, e.g., real-time + security
  • Explainability of real-time systems
  • Spaceflight real-time scheduling problems
  • Energy-aware scheduling
  • … and many more, feel free to be creative

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