Industrial Challenge

The ECRTS / WATERS industrial challenge has been originally created as a satellite event to the International Workshop on Analysis Tools and Methodologies for Embedded Real-Time Systems (WATERS). The purpose of the industrial challenge is to share ideas, experiences, use cases and solutions to concrete timing design and verification problems issued from real industrial case studies. Our goal is to promote discussions, closer interactions and cross fertilization of ideas within the real-time community as a whole, in particular bridging between researchers in academia and industrial practitioners from different application domains.

Current Challenge

Past Challenges

Contribute a Solution

The ECRTS industrial challenge aims to facilitate discussion and gathering feedback on the solutions and welcomes the submission of two types of contributions:

  1. Full solutions, possibly focusing only on selected aspects of the challenge
  2. Early stage proposals that present preliminary results and road-maps to achieve a complete solution

Authors will have the opportunity to explain their results and discuss culprits and trade-offs with a short presentation.

Full solutions should present the strengths and limitations of the used approach. Authors are strongly encouraged to implement their solution and make it available along with the submission. The proposed solutions should also discuss how much time and effort was needed by the authors to (a) understand the challenge and (b) solve it.

Submission Instructions

Submissions can be made at any time until the final submission deadline. Feedback is to be expected within one week from the submission.

Final Deadlines:

  • Full Solutions: tbd
  • Early Stage Proposals: tba

Submissions are managed via: tbd

NOTE: The copyright remains with the authors. By submitting a solution, the authors agree and confirm that, if accepted, at least one author will register for ECRTS, and present the solution in person.

The accepted solutions will be made available online on github ( before the conference so that contributions can be examined prior to the event.

Discuss and Collaborate

Mailing List

Discussion, collaboration, and additional information on the challenge(s) is done via a public google group (a mailing list). Note that a google account is not required to participate, and that all interactions on the group are possible also via email only.

The group has public visibility, and previous threads are searchable by everybody. Only group members can post on the group.

To subscribe without a google account, send an email to:


Material related to the challenge(s) and accepted solutions are made available on a public GitHub:

Discussion for the Previous Challenges

Information and discussions on previous challenges can be found in the archive of the phpBB forum:

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