Hermann Kopetz

Hermann Kopetz

TU Wien

Hermann Kopetz is professor emeritus at TU Wien. He received a PhD degree in Physics sub auspiciis praesidentis from the University in Vienna in 1968. Kopetz is the chief architect of the time-triggered technology for dependable embedded Systems and a co-founder of the company TTTech. The time-triggered technology is deployed in leading aerospace, automotive and industrial applications. Kopetz is a Life Fellow of the IEEE and a full member of the Austrian Academy of Science. Kopetz served as the chairman of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Dependable Computing and Fault Tolerance and in program committees of many scientific conferences. He is a founding member and a former chairman of IFIP WG 10.4. Kopetz has written a widely used textbook on Real-Time Systems—the third edition has been published in 2022— and authored more than 400 papers. In June 2007 he received the honorary degree of Dr. honoris causa from the University Paul Sabatier in Toulouse, France.

Keynote "Design Principles for Reducing the Complexity of Safety-Critical Embedded Systems"

System Architecting deals with the decomposition of a large complex system into almost independent parts in order to reduce the implementation and validation efforts by applying the time-tested design principle divide et impera. In this presentation, we present some additional proven design principles for decomposing complex safety-critical embedded systems using the control system of a fully autonomous vehicle as an example. With the current state of the art in hardware and software, it is impossible to achieve the required safety goals of such a large complex computer system by implementing a non-fault tolerant monolithic computer architecture. We need to find a decomposition into independent Fault Containment Units (FCUs) such that a Byzantine failure of any complex FCU can be mitigated by the other correct FCUs without causing a catastrophic incident. We start by the establishment of the required safety goals and propose to make a clear distinction between the two important use cases: (i) correct behavior under well-specified nominal conditions, and (ii) safe behavior under off-nominal conditions, which cannot be fully specified in advance.