Real-Time Pitches include work-in-progress, wild-and-crazy-ideas, call-for-actions, demos and journal-to-conference talks. It is an opportunity to address the real-time community with your interesting work or any other interesting thoughts that you would like to share.
Pitches are 5 minute talks each and must be related to real-time systems as well as the general scope of ECRTS (see ECRTS call for papers). Aside from that, feel free to talk about anything you think might interest the real-time community at ECRTS. Real-Time Pitches especially encourage ideas that break new ground, depart from established subfields, or challenge the status quo. If a pitch is accepted for presentation, one of the authors is expected to give a 5 minute live talk at the conference, and to present a poster and/or demo at the conference reception for further discussions.
To make sure topics are in scope and to schedule the session, we ask you to submit an abstract (at most 2 pages, but preferably much shorter) of your pitch and/or a sketch of your poster. The abstract will not be peer reviewed or published.
Submissions are open until all slots are taken or until 25th of June at the latest. Feedback on the abstracts will be provided within days from submission. Note that early submissions until 31th of May will get feedback before the end of the early registration deadline. At least one author of an accepted submission must register for the full conference (a student registration is OK) and present in the session and the reception.
Submission link
Accepted contributions
- Joshua Bakita and James Anderson. GPU Predictability and Throughput in Autonomous Systems: Can We Have Both?
- Daniele Ottaviano, Francesco Ciarolo, Renato Mancuso and Marcello Cinque. The Omnivisor : A real-time static partitioning hypervisor extension for heterogeneous core virtualization over MPSoCs (Demo).
- Shardul Lendve, Konstantinos Bletsas and Pedro Souto. Scheduling DAG tasks on heterogeneous multiprocessors with performance guarantees.
- Allan Valle, Gautam Gala and Gerhard Fohler Work in Progress: Memory Bandwidth Manager in gem5 for Mixed-Criticality Applications.
- Seoyoung Kim and Yoonhee Kim. FTRL Proximal-Based Autotuning System for Resource Optimization and Job Scheduling in Heterogeneous GPU Cluster.
- Mitra Nasri. Call for action: Towards a research agenda for learning-enabled safety-critical real-time systems.
Session Chair
Antonio Paolillo (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)