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hsSim: an Extensible Interoperable Object-Oriented n-Level Hierarchical Scheduling Simulator

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015
by jcraveiro
Description of the tool
hsSim is a multiprocessor hierarchical scheduling simulator, written in Java with due care to modularity, extendability and interoperability. Its initial development was presented at WATERS 2012, in Pisa.

Usage scope
Hierarchical scheduling is a recent real-time scheduling topic. It is used to obtain temporal interference isolation in various scenarios, such as scheduling soft real-time aperiodic tasks along with hard real-time periodic tasks, and in mixed-criticality scenarios. Most theory and practice focuses on two-level hierarchies, with a root (global) scheduler managing resource contention by partitions (or scheduling servers), and a local scheduler in each partition/server to schedule the respective tasks. hsSim is an object-oriented hierarchical scheduling simulator supporting an arbitrary number of levels. With the goal of openness, extensibility and interoperability in mind, due care was put into the design, applying known design patterns where deemed advantageous.

- João Craveiro (Premium Minds/University Lusófona, work developed at LaSIGE - Lisbon, Portugal)

- Code: github
- Paper: J. P. Craveiro, R. O. Silveira, and J. Rufino, “hsSim: an Extensible Interoperable Object-Oriented n-Level Hierarchical Scheduling Simulator,” in 3rd International Workshop on Analysis Tools and Methodologies for Embedded and Real-time Systems (WATERS 2012), Pisa, Italy, Jul. 2012.

Work in progress

Release history